Friday, August 22, 2014

Running out of blog topics

This is my fourth year in blogging and to be honest I am running out of writing related topics. When I had started blogging, I had decided I will stick to a writing related blog. It was a conscious decision I had taken. I did not want to ramble on and on about things which would leave my readers and blog buddies disinterested or bored to tears. And for more than four years I was successful in maintain a writing related blog where I discussed all aspects of writing, publishing and books.

But, from the past few weeks I seem to be running out of topics. Maybe I have exhausted all the topics. Or maybe I have blog fatigue or perhaps I need to inject a new energy into my blog. Or it could also be due to work pressure which sees me scrambling at the last minute to come up with a decent post.

Once upon a long time back I was quite organized where my blog posts where concerned. I would schedule them a few days in advance. Nowadays, it’s a mad rush to get a few decent words typed out. I have run out of blogging inspiration. Day by day I am coming up with a shorter post. And that too just moments before I click on the publish button.

How do you all handle blog topic fatigue? How do you all come up with amazing topics? Any suggestions for me to beat this topic fatigue syndrome?


  1. We go through this phase once in a while so come back charged and take a break if you like:)

  2. I worry about that too over in my little world of family history and genealogy. You would think there would be no end to possibilities, but if there's nothing more than "this person was born and then died," then why bother. Here are my suggestions for you:
    1. consider participating in a meme (maybe one in which you write something rather than write about writing)
    2. continue the conversation based on someone else's blog about writing
    3. revisit old topics you've already covered -- new visitors may not have read what you wrote about 4 years ago and maybe your views have changed
    4. go ahead and take a mental break but leave a post announcing your plans and when you expect to return

  3. One way to get across this would be to write on as many topics as possible. From the day 1, I find myself having to restrict myself on the number of posts I write in my blog! I get too many ideas and I want to blog about them immediately. These days, however, I am more organized and mature. I publish only once in a week :)

    Destination Infinity

  4. Maybe it's time to branch out with a new topic? Or refresh yourself by visiting writing blogs and see what they are doing now. (I visit quite a few that have been doing it for years.)
    I never lack for a blog topic. I just wish I could make my posts a little shorter...

  5. It can be tricky to keep things fresh. I write about different bits and bobs as the mood takes me rather than restrict myself to one thing. Short blog breaks also help recharge the inspiration batteries! I find participating in the celebrations blog hop is a good way to focus my mind on positive things.

  6. When I started blogging I decided to stick to vignettes about family, friends, and my life in general, in one blog and share my home recipes, food that I have been cooking for the family for years, on the cookery blog.
    I thought I would never run out of topics in either, but I do find that down the years, I get stuck with both! With the cookery blog, I get bogged down with writing the recipes; exact measurements not being one of my cooking styles. And in the other, sometimes, I am not able to translate my thoughts, on what I want to convey, in writing!
    I'm sure you can rest a while and then come back with a bang!

  7. Maybe you should branch out to other topics for awhile. Your posts are always interesting, so I don't think you would bore readers at all. If you want to keep the focus on writing, maybe an occasional book review would be enough to restore your own interest.

  8. I go through this periodically. Sometimes I take a little blogcation and regroup. Now I'm leaning now toward featuring other authors, especially debut authors. I want to read and review more, promote my blogger/author friends as well as all the great writers in the state of Colorado (and nearby), and expand my contacts. Another thing that would help if I had the time would be to participate in a couple of blogfests. If...

  9. I've had the same problem. Who hasn't? That's one of the reasons I came up with my "Where I Live and Why I Like It" series of posts. It supports other writers and gives some fresh information and keeps me going when I seem to have nothing new to say. Maybe you could come up with something like that, that lets other writers do the writing for your blog, to some degree. But even this takes work for me to organize and publish.

  10. Blog fatigue. If/when you find the answer that will make a good blog post lol. I have absolutely no tips but I wish you luck! And hugs! :D

  11. Everyone gets fatigued, even writers and readers;) I find that most bloggers, even people really into writing, don't just want to read about writing topics. They want to know about you as well. It's not just your stories that you put out there, but you as a person. At least that's how I see it:)

  12. I have a similar approach, and similar problems. It's hard to keep coming up with new stuff, and to stay as enthusiastic about it. I also notice a lot fewer writing blogs around nowadays so i think a lot of people have the same issues. I would suggest maybe focusing on a slightly more personal approach, the things you personally are dealing with in regards to writing. i think you do this anyway, this post is a good example. So I wouldn't worry too much.


  13. I'm experiencing the same thing, Rachna. I think it's a mixture of fatigue and being busy. I'm starting to branch out a little. If it bores my readers, well, so be it, but I am trying to show a little more of the real me.

  14. I'm the same way. Unfortunately I don't have much planned out ahead of time and it ends up being last minute.

    I have a weekly posting that involves other writers but also have a 2nd. Sometimes I think I should drop that second posting down to a every other week, but I haven't done that yet. Not sure what to do.

  15. I feel your pain. I am trying to get back into it myself. I am starting to see I need to mix in a bit of me with my writing post, it has helped some.

  16. There are always more topics. Between Writing Excuses, Brandon Sanderson's lectures, and personal experience, I don't believe I'll ever run out of writing topics to blog about.

  17. Been there.
    I've started a new, once-a-week blogging schedule, where I offer a mish-mash of topics, as well as an interactive exercise where bloggers can play along. I'm also posting some photographs in an attempt to polish my non-existent photography skillz... LOL

  18. I've been struggling with this all summer, really since the A-Z Challenge ended. I hope to get back into blogging more this fall as I've missed it but the fatigue was definitely there.
