Friday, February 20, 2015

Changes we see in ourselves after we start writing

 I have noticed a few things about myself after I have started writing full-time. No, no, I have not sprouted an extra pair of hands (that would have been wonderful and with that I could work on more than one task at a time). I mean to say that I find myself observing everything around me with an intensity that was earlier missing.

Earlier whenever I was out in a public place, I would spend my time either chatting with friends and family or texting a friend. That way I would seldom study things around me. And that reflected in my writing. I would struggle when it came to descriptions and details.

Nowadays, I spend the time I am out of my house studying my surroundings, watching people, soaking in the ambience, and absorbing the details. I watch people’s expressions (without staring at them, else they would take offence or label me a peeping Jill), I listen to the sounds and notice the way people walk on the roads, or interact with each other.

I am not sure whether I should be saying this without coming across as pompous or sounding silly, but all this is making my writing better; a few agents have said that they love my descriptions, as have my critique partners. And I also find it easy to describe things without struggling for the correct description or words.

Observing things has become the new meditation for me. And the benefits have been amazing. I am enjoying my writing, and more and more shiny new ideas have been dropping into my head. My ideas folder has become fatter and fatter.

Have any of you seen such changes in yourselves after you have started writing more and more? What changes do you see in yourself after writing full-time?


  1. When I was in high school and college creative writing, many of the assignments were to just go out somewhere, be quiet, and observe your surroundings. Write it down, or just commit it to memory; sights, smells, sounds, emotions of people going about their daily lives. Be present in a single moment of time/

    Yeah, it does make a difference in how you write setting. Well, it did for me anyway.

  2. I agree, Rachna. I do observe that I have become more observant! This is a great thing for us writers, and we would be wise to make the most of it.

  3. I've never written full-time so I'd have to see what it was like. That's so awesome that you're able to. And I do notice good changes in my writing over time.

  4. Writing full time would be so much pressure.
    I've learned more about what makes people tick.

  5. I have realized I need to do exactly this as people have commented that my novella could become a novel if I include interesting descriptions in it! Now the challenge is, how do I do that without boring people and without losing the track from the main story.

    Destination Infinity

  6. I think I've always sort of been like that, which might explain why I enjoy writing (when I'm in a good flow, at least). I don't write all that much, though since I don't do anything else I suppose you could call me a full-time writer, haha. Happy writing!

  7. You are so right, Rachna. When I started taking writing seriously enough to start reading craft books and doing some of the exercises, I noticed that I did take much more note of special details of clothing, expression, descriptions of buildings, doorways, trees, sunsets, etc. Writing tunes you into the world.

  8. It is one of the most interesting hobby to observe people around you and it sure helps in writing, Rachna!

  9. The biggest I've seen in myself since I began writing is that I'm much less tolerant of sub-standard writing when I come across it. I never used to put down books before I finish them, but now I'll do it at the drop of a hat if the writing isn't top notch. :)

  10. Huge changes. I've become an eavesdropper. I've become an avid note-taker. I can't just take a walk anymore; I have to be ever-mindful of where I'm walking, what's around me and how I feel. I often find that I'm out of a conversation I once was in because something has caught my attention across the way and I must remember what's unique about it.

  11. We become more observant yes. I have now begun to write to think clearly. Writing helps me clear the fog.

  12. Yeah, change of environment helps :)

    Nice to be back to blogging and commenting on your post Ma 'am Rachna. Hope you have been good.

    Looking forward to reading many from now on :) :) :)

