Young Adult fiction writer Lydia Kang gave me my second blogging award The Versatile Blogger Award. Lydia , a doctor, mother and writer is a wonderwoman, who balances all her responsibilities beautifully. Thankyou Lydia for the award!
I had secretly envied the slew of awards on my blogging friends’ blogs, often wondering when I would join them by having if not that many, then atleast few awards to display on my blog. I think Lydia the telepathic doctor sensed my secret desire and like a good doctor quickly prescribed the remedy by giving me the award.
Lia Keyes, British fantasy writer, founder of Scribblerati, and host of #Scribe Chat the weekly chat for writers on Twitter gave me my first blogging award The Sugar Doll Blogger Award within a week of my entering the world of blogs.
I just love the idea of these blogging awards. We writers crave recognition in varied forms. These blogging awards are a way of recognizing the time and effort we invest in creating a blog and connecting with like minded souls who share our ups and downs and become co-pilgrims in our more often uphill pilgrimage that leads to the blissful sanctuary or shall I say temple called publication.
Our writing friends come as blessings in disguise. Not only do they generously share the knowledge they have accumulated in their individual pilgrimages to publication via their blogs, they also help with valuable and timely advice that brings us closer and closer to our own tryst with publication. I have loved visiting each of my blogging friends’ blogs, smiling at their humor, pondering over the questions they have asked, tucking away the writing tips they have shared for future use, nodding at similar sentiments expressed, often wondering what their next post will be about.
Though I am just three months old in the world of blogging, I have learnt a lot : that sharing knowledge and experiences only enhances them, that what we give to the world returns double fold. I am enjoying every moment of it and am looking forward to connecting with more co-pilgrims and making more blogging buddies.
I am supposed to pass The Versatile Blogger Award to five bloggers.
My awardees are
- Lia Keyes at The Scribbler
- Birgitte Necessary at Necessary Writers
- Sheryl Gwyther at Sheryl Gwyther-Author
- Victoria Dixon at The Ron Empire Wants You
- Rahma at Guardian Cats
What has blogging taught you? What do Blogging awards mean to you all? Please share, we would love to know.