Wednesday, November 2, 2016

IWSG Post – My Favourite Aspect of Being a Writer

This will be the second last IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) post of 2016. Whoosh! The year has hurtled past, leaving barely two months in which I’ve scramble around finishing my writing and reading goals.

I sometimes wonder how did Ninja Captain Alex J Cavanaugh (author of the Amazon Bestsellers: CassaStar, CassaStorm, CassaFire and Dragon of the Stars), start this amazing online group for writers.

IWSG members post on the first Wednesday of every month. In our posts we discuss our writing insecurities, anxieties, worries and learn from other writers who are at different stages of their publishing journey. There is a wealth of information on the IWSG website.

I love the idea of IWSG members answering a question in their blog post. This has made it so easy for me (as well as many others) as I sometimes run out of topics to blog about. Now all that I’ve to do is to answer the question for the month and my post is ready.

November 2nd Question: What is your favourite aspect of being a writer?

My favourite aspect of being a writer is being able to live my fantasies through my stories. Many times my characters do the things that I’m unable to do, they visit the places I’ll never be able to visit. And I also like the idea that I’m entertaining readers through my words.

I’m eager to read what is your favourite aspect of being a writer?


  1. Me too. It's great to live out our stories in our minds.

  2. I can't believe this is the second to last IWSG post of 2016! Where has the year gone?!

  3. While I am not a creative writer, I am a fellow blogger who like you is always glad to stumble upon an idea for a blog, I like your answer to the question but now I wonder what kinds of things your characters do that you can't or don't or won't.

  4. My characters definitely do things I can't. Or won't. I might enjoy writing about space, but I don't want to go there.
    We started five years ago based on a casual comment...

  5. That is a very good reason. Most of my characters love to exercise and eat healthy- definitely fantasy on my part :)

  6. Since most of my fiction has a love story to it, I enjoy being able to feel that rush of new love all over again.

  7. I totally agree. The question/answer thing is epic. You know, as soon as October 1st hits, the year is over. Every year it's faster. How does that happen?

  8. I'm truly glad you enjoy the IWSG questions. :)

    YES! There's so many things I wish I could do. Writing them into my stories is so much fun. Even the more fanciful stories...I still like to pretend I'm the MC. ;)

  9. High five Rachna! same as yours to live fantasies in writing

  10. Being creative and making up stuff is such an excellent way to live life :) And as a writer, I also love to read other people's work. Great post, Rachna! I'm loving the questions too.

  11. Nice answer! I just like letting my imagination take me new places. :)

  12. Having the IWSG questions is nice when your brain just isn't coming up w/a good topic. =)

  13. You hit the nail on the head! I write MG stories I wish that I was able to experience in my early tweens/teenage years. That alone drives me to come up with some awesome adventures!

  14. I love being able to share stories with fellow readers and writers:) It doesn't get better than that:)
