Wednesday, January 3, 2018

IWSG Post – My Plan for my Writing and Publishing?

One of the best things to happen to writers all over the world is IWSG, the other things being signing with an agent and bagging a publishing deal. But before the other two happen, writers celebrate being a part of IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) an online community of writers posting on the first Wednesday of the month. We discuss things that we can’t talk with non-writers: our writing blues, writing insecurities and worries. And the best thing is writers from all over the world who are at different stages of their writing journeys encourage and support us with their suggestions and advice.

The credit for starting this amazing group goes to Ninja captain Alex J Cavanaugh (author of the Amazon Bestsellers: CassaStar, CassaStorm, CassaFire and Dragon of the Stars). Superhero Alex has made IWSG a force to reckon with. There is an IWSG website, a newsletter that keeps the members updated, IWSG brings out  anthologies every year, it hosted a Twitter pitch party last year and will host its second party on January 18th.  

My co-hosts for January IWSG are Tyrean Martinson, Ellen @The Cynical Sailor, Megan Morgan and Jennifer Lane.

The IWSG January 3rd question is : What steps have you taken or plan to put a schedule in place for your writing and publishing?

At the start of my writing career I had put a publishing plan in place. My aim was to get visibility as a writer and to achieve that purpose I wrote short stories, features and did book reviews for many newspapers, so that more and more people would get familiar with my byline. I also contributed stories for several anthologies brought out by leading publishers so that the editors would be acquainted with my style of writing when my books landed in their inbox.

Yes, my writing and publishing plan has worked to a certain extent. Nowadays many people are familiar with my name and read my features and the editors of the publishing houses don’t take me lightly. Usually editors have a habit of brushing off writers, but not in my case, as I’ve become a columnist for two newspapers. 
w for two newspapers.
This year my plan is to write more books in different genres.

I’m looking forward to reading all your writing and publishing plans. 


  1. Congratulations on your position as columnist for two newspapers. That huge! Good luck on your future writing endeavors, Rachna :)

  2. You actually did it the smart way. Establishing yourself is half the battle.
    Thanks fo co- hosting today!

  3. That's great that you are writing for two newspapers and are recognized by publishers. Like Alex said, that's part of the battle. Thanks for being a co-host. Hope you have a fantastic year!

  4. Sounds like a solid plan. Good luck to you! And thanks for co-hosting.

  5. That's a really great plan, especially as many writers started off writing short stories or as journalists.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month!

  6. That is amazing! Good luck to you this year. I am currently writing a new and different genre and I love it.

  7. You give me hope for my future ;) Congrats on your achievements so far and good luck with the future ones. Thanks for hosting :)

  8. Thank you for outlining your approach to earning credibility and respect. Excellent outline and valuable information for those with similar plans and goals. Thank you for co-hosting IWSG this month.

  9. Sounds like things are working out - good for you! And good luck for 2018!

  10. I like your goal of writing more books in different genres. Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month.
    Mary at Play off the Page

  11. Congratulations on your accomplishments! :) It's great to get your name out there. Thanks for being my co-co-host!

    IWSG post: Taking Chances

  12. I'm hoping to try a different genre this year myself. Thanks for inspiring me, Rachna. Best to you in 2018. Happy New Year!

  13. Awesome when a plan works as intended.

  14. It's fun to experiment in different genres. You're writing plan is working so keep it up!!! Happy New Year! And wishing you great success in 2018. Thank you for co-hosting this month.

  15. Happy new year, and it is great to stretch out into different genres. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  16. I'm glad to read that your hard work is paying off. Best of luck with your writing this year!

  17. Writing in a new genre is a great way to stretch the creativity. Good luck with the new project! Thanks for co-hosting today.

  18. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG and making all those comments!
    Wishing you all success with your goals!
    Happy 2018!

  19. Thanks for co-hosting! It's really encouraging to see you're making your mark in the writing world.

  20. Good on you! I'd love to be able to say that. I expect you'll achieve this next goal, too.

  21. Thanks for co-hosting today!
    Congrats on all that you’ve accomplished to get your name out their and noticed. Good luck in your future writing and Happy New Year!

  22. Name recognition is so important. It's your brand. You might not be exactly where you want to be, but you started out right.

  23. Thank you for co-hosting this month and good luck in the new genres! :-)

  24. Your plan has been very effective, Rachna. Congratulations on setting it in place and executing it. And thanks for being such a great co-host today!

  25. Bravo, Rachna! You have it all together. Wow! I wish I were like you. You make a plan and then just do it. All the luck in 2018. Thanks for co-hosting at IWSG.

  26. Best wishes in 2018. When I was a children's librarian, I remember buying some of your picture books, however I had no idea that one day I would be writing on your blog.

  27. And you can do that. Write those book that you have in your spirit regardless of the genre.
    Wishing you all the best for 2018 and thank you for co-hosting.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  28. Writing and publishing short stories is a smart tactic, and one I should explore in the coming year. May 2018 bring you clarity and peace--and lots of writing time!

  29. Sounds like you had a good plan and stuck to it. Congratulations on your success. Thanks for co-hosting this month too.

  30. To be in your place. :) You worked hard for it and deserve it. Well done!

  31. Congratulations on your columns and all of your success! You've worked really hard and made things happen.
    Happy writing in 2018!

  32. A columnist for two newspapers - that is big. Good luck with all your new plans. Happy New Year!

  33. Impressive! Congratulations. Wishing you much success and a joyful 2018. Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  34. Congratulations on all your successes, Rachna! Wishing you luck in the upcoming year, and thanks for co-hosting today!

  35. That's impressive that you're a columnist for two newspapers! Good luck with all of your writing goals and thanks for co-hosting!

  36. Thanks for co-hosting, Rachna. Congrats on your newspaper columns. Best wishes on meeting your goals.

  37. Congratulations on getting that far! Good luck in 2018 as well!

  38. You had a good plan and it worked. So many of us don't think that far ahead and get our name out there until we already have a book being published.

  39. That's an interesting path to fiction--through journalism! I'm glad your plans are bearing fruit. Happy New year, fellow cohost!

  40. Glad to read that your publishing strategy worked. I find it hard to balance the "getting your name out there", "writing for money" (travel articles in my case) and "writing a work in progress" (memoir manuscript in my case). All are important; all are time-consuming. I guess it is all about balance. Thanks for co-hosting and happy New Year!

  41. Sounds like you worked a great plan! Good luck with future endeavors.

  42. I have a writing plan of sorts, but so far don't really have anything for the publishing aspect other than hoping for the best.

  43. Columnist for two papers - that's a huge accomplishment :-) All the best for 2018.

  44. Sounds like you're going great. Congratulations on your accomplishments. Here's to many more in 2018. Thanks for co-hosting today.

  45. It sounds like you're making great progress on your writer goals. Best of luck for the new year!

  46. Wow! I aspire to get to your writing level one day. Right now, I'm just developing my writing ideas and trying to get back into the writing habit. Very inspirational blog. Thanks!

  47. Planning and execution... It's nice to see it worked well for you, and to be honest, it's nice to see you still feel the need to plan and keep trying. It gives a sense of a real journey, a life choice, not just a "I am going to be an author" goal, like it's some pinnacle to reach with nowhere left to go but down.

  48. I started my career and was a journalist for many years and it has definitely helped my writing career. I'm used to working with editors and rejection:)
    Good luck to you in 2018 and thank you for hosting.

  49. A columnist for two newspapers? Wow!
    Such a great achievement, Rachna! Congratulations!
    Thank you for co-hosting the IWSG this month.
    Happy 2018!
    Will chat soon.

  50. Rachna, good luck with the new genres. I've experimented with that but it did not work. I'll stick with what I've done in the past. Have an amazing 2018!

  51. It is such a pleasure to read what you write, Rachna.Wishimg you more success in the New Year!

  52. Way to go! You definitely took an approach that most people neglect. I love how business minded you are about this business. I think too many of us are just artists. ;)

  53. Congratulations on being a columnist -- and for two newspapers, not one. That's big! I've read some of your story collections for young children, and I've read your mention of an MG you were working on. I look forward to reading that one day. I also remember what a helping hand you have always leant to me and to others.

  54. Power to you Rachna! Keep up the good work:)
