Wednesday, January 9, 2019

When Readers Love your Book

It’s been just two months since my book Festival Stories Through The Year has come out and the reviews have started pouring in. It feels really great when readers search for me on Facebook and tell me that not just their kids but even they loved my book.

One of the very first review was a poetic review by a ten-year-old girl Naysa Punhani. I was touched that a child has gone out of her way to write a poetry on my book. Naysa has captured the essence of the story in her review which her mother Sonia Bareja a story-teller, shared with me.

Here is the review by that child.

I felt elated when Toka Box did a small review and included my book in the 7 must read festival books. This review too has captured the colour of my stories. Here is Toka Box's review.

An American writer I have admired a lot (I have read her wonderful books) has reviewed my book on her blog. The fact that she went out of her way to buy my book in America and reviewed it so meticulously has completely overwhelmed me. That amazing lady is Elizabeth Varadan, author of The Carnival of Animals (13 tales based on Camille Saint- Saens’ Musical Classic), Dragonella, Imogene and the Case of the Missing Pearls and The Fourth Wish. Do visit her blog to read her super review and while you are visiting do yourself a big favour and follow her (if you aren’t already following her). Here is Elizabeth's review. 


  1. That's great to hear! Knowing you are connecting with readers - and they with you and your book.

  2. That's so awesome! So excited for you.

  3. Elizabeth rocks! And so does your book:) Congrats, Rachna!

  4. This is so amazing! I'm so excited for you.

  5. Elizabeth is amazing, congratulations to you
    Instagram:- stylebasket24
