Wednesday, February 6, 2019

February IWSG Post

2019 is moving faster than 2018. I just blinked and we are already in the second month of the year. But for a change I can pat myself on my back. This year it looks like I will meet many of my writing targets. This shows what a little extra discipline and dedication can do, and ofcourse switching off from online distractions goes a long way and staying focused and being on a deadline.

I digress as usual. This post is about IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) not about my goals. IWSG is an online forum where writers from all over the world participate by posting on the first Wednesday of the month. In our posts we tackle any of our writing insecurities, discuss our fears, learn from other writers who have overcome these doubts and anxieties.

IWSG is the brainchild of Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Alex is an accomplished musician, an awesome blogger and a best-selling author. He is the author of the Amazon Bestsellers: CassaStar, CassaStorm, CassaFire and Dragon of the Stars. The IWSG has to its credit, writing contests, twitter pitch parties, it has brought out several anthologies. The IWSG website has amazing and informative posts from publishing experts.

February 6 question - Besides writing what other creative outlets do you have?

Besides writing I don’t do anything else creative. At one time (a million years back) I did a little bit of embroidery. A few years back I taught creative writing in college for several years. But that’s about it. I write, write and write. I have been thinking of doing something else creative, but haven’t found anything (not that I have been actively looking).

Will be visiting all your blogs later to see what other creative outlets you all have.


  1. That you've taught creative writing is really impressive!

  2. Excellent that you're on track for your writing goals! Keep going! :)

  3. I hear ya! Writing takes a lot of time and creative effort. There's not much time for anything else!

  4. Turn off the distraction and stay on track. You'll look back on this year with great satisfaction!

  5. That's great that you are making your writing targets. I don't have any other creative outlets or time to really explore them. I want to leave that time for writing.

  6. You never know when something might dump in your lap that you never know you'd enjoy.

  7. Maybe you can take up a new hobby related to your story or your characters. I once took up archery for writing research. :)

  8. Writing is a full-time creative endeavor!

  9. Well, if you read this months blogs something should hit. So many different talents out there doing so many different things. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  10. Writing is the only creative outlet for me too! I dabbled in photography for a while, many years ago.
    I agree, the time is whizzing by!

  11. I have many creative outlets, but like yours -- write, write, write...

  12. You have great focus so good for you! I have other creative interests that I don’t have time for because writing is my priority. But that’s okay, I’m doing what I love.

  13. Everyone has their own way of expressing their creativity, and being focused on one main activity is no better or worse than enjoying a variety of creative projects. I'm sure you get way more done that some of us do. but being a writer is like being a ballerina or gymnast or Olympic skater. Focus, concentration, and practice!

  14. Writing takes so much of our creativity there isn't time or energy to do the other things we once did.

  15. Well it sounds like the writing is going well. I would stick with it!

  16. Hi Rachna,

    I wish I could just write, write, write... but I need the outlets. I am a classically trained artist... I draw, paint, sculpt, do photography, graphic design, interior design, and almost every craft! Geez, I'm exhausted just thinking about all my creative outlets. But I must admit, I do enjoy them all!

  17. I definitely feel the year moving by fast already. I like to garden, and will enjoy that hobby come spring:)

  18. Congrats on being on schedule with your writing goals :-)

    Ronel visiting for Feb's IWSG Day Being an Insecure Writer -- And Happy About It
