Friday, April 18, 2014

P is for Passion

P is for passion. The passion every writer feels for stories and books. Writing can never pay all our bills unless we become bestsellers, our books are made into movies or we get a million dollar royalty (all deep-seated desires that every writer has). 

Writing is and will remain a writer’s first passion. If we observe closely we will see that inspite of so many obstacles like full- time jobs, sick family members, our own health issues, time-constraints, we still manage to write. If this is not passion then what is.

A writer said in an interview that she works nine to five. Every night, for four years, she wrote from 10 pm to 2 am. She would take those printouts and read while she was on the treadmill the next morning. That sure is a sign of passion. 

Passion fuels every writer’s heart.

What else other than writing are you passionate about?

Note: this is my post for the A to Z Challenge. My theme is Emotions and Feelings writers experience.


  1. Nice post, Rachna. I would say writing is my first passion, but Art is a close second! :-)

  2. 10pm-2am? When did she sleep? I thought I ran a crazy schedule when I worked full-time and wrote on the side.

  3. My passion is tracing my family history.

    Wendy at Jollett Etc.

  4. Lovely post! Besides writing, I guess reading is another passion of mine, and also jewellery making, when I have enough time!

  5. Hi, Rachna,

    I am passionate about all the arts... I love music, cooking, baking, designing, anything creative.

    Having passion for the arts is having passion for life!
    We see beauty in almost anything. Observing the wonders and beauty around us, make all the other mundane chores of life so much more bearable!

  6. <3
    Passion seems to be a trending topic for today's posts :)

    Me, I think I'm passionate about love, loyalty, and being a positive influence in everyone's life...including my own! :)

    Thanks for writing this. <3

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    My A to Z
    Caring for My Veteran

  7. When we are passionate about what we do, we find the time.
    Play off the Page

  8. Great word for P. It took me a long time to find what I was really passionate about but now I'm so glad I discovered my passion for writing.

  9. I agree! I have passion for my writing, even though I get discouraged many times. I have passion for other writers and helping them get published or promoting them. I have passion for my family, genealogy, picture-taking, and the arts. There are so many things I'd love to do, try, accomplish. It makes me wish I hadn't wasted one hour of my life ...

  10. I'm passionate about breathing and appreciating being alive!

  11. Writing is a passion, I can't imagine not having in my life. A lovely thoughtful post, Rachna.

  12. My other passion is music, and it even comes before writing.

  13. I'm passionate about teaching violin, viola and piano. I'm probably more passionate about that than I am about writing.

  14. Great post. I'm passionate about my family – hubby, kids and grandkids – and about writing. I'm so my passionate about painting, and sometimes a whole lot more passionate about it. I usually don't have much time for painting though, because they devote my time to writing, after family.

  15. A passionate post indeed Rachna! The workload in office is leaving me little time to catch up with lovely posts like these:)

  16. of my favorite words, and it certainly accurately describes the type of writer I am:)

  17. Writing really is my main passion. Though I am madly in love with Shakespeare's words too. Does that count? :)

  18. As you know, Rachna, I have a passion for quilting, but I also have a passion for the Lake District, England. It's where I grew up and those mountains, valleys and lakes are somehow deep within my soul.
    God is always there.
    We writers are passionate people, there's no doubt about it.
    Happy Easter.

  19. Writing has been my passion since my middle school years. In high school I was gearing up to write a novel, and I started soon after graduation. I can't imagine not writing.

  20. I did and still do lots of writing after 10 but few are the times I stayed up until 2. I must be passionate about it because it's not making me rich. LOL

  21. My passions are animals and healing, mission work, inspiring others, and reading. I don't know that writing is a passion for me as much as an instrument for reaching people. There are days I wish writing was a passion though, then maybe it would be easier to communicate with others.

  22. some people are crazy and then there are writers. :) Passion is a good fuel.

  23. Hi human, Rachna,

    Pawsion for the written word and the magic it creates.

    I'm pawsionate about helping my human to be a better writer. I have a ways to go.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny, the friendly host of the Alphabark Challenge! :)

  24. Passion fuels every writer’s heart.--absolutely true.

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  25. I'm passionate about books. I'm in the process of clearing out bookcases and donating books to the Friends of the Library for their fund-raising's so hard to let them go!

  26. Hi, Rachna! You know how much the word "passion" means to me... I'm glad you picked it for 'p'. :)
