Saturday, April 26, 2014

W is for Wonder

W is for wonder. There is this sense of wonder that fills me when I am world building for my books. Wow. That three alphabet word just makes my heart dance in happiness. During those world building days I have all admiration for myself, for my creative abilities and talent.

I was completely in awe of Hogwarts and its magic.

This sense of wonder is heightened when I receive amazing feedback from crit partners and editors and of course my wonderful readers.

I would love to make this feeling more permanent. But alas, I have no magic formula to do that.

What fills you with a sense of wonder in your writing life?

Note: this is my post for the A to Z Challenge. My theme is Emotions and Feelings writers experience.


  1. my sense of wonder emanates from the feeling that even after writing so many poems and articles I still have so much within me, inside me to write and share..

  2. Coming up with new ideas, drafting, and revising fill me with wonder. I love a book in its beginning stages.

  3. Hi Rachna - my wondrous moments when writing are the times I stop to think: where is all this coming from?
    I have felt wonder and awe when faced with spectacular scenery, or at other things outside myself. It's strange to feel some inner wonder.
    Very thoughtful blog.

  4. Pretty much the same thing. I love giving and receiving feedback on my stories (and reviews and writing posts for that matter).

  5. Going back through a first draft and seeing the world I created with fresh eyes. And wondering who on earth wrote that...

  6. My "WOW" moment comes when I think of the killer plot twist for my novel. Then I keep it under wraps and tell now one about it while I'm writing and editing. Keeping it a secret continues the "WOW" moment for me like I have the biggest, best secret in the whole world!

  7. That is fantastic .... To be so accomplished at world building is such a wonderful thing, Rachna!

    I have this feeling when I read my A-Z posts, after the challenge and realize how versatile a writer I am to be able to put myself in the voice of other writers and create my own spin on their work....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi friends, its amazing when we have that wow feeling about our own writing and not someone elses, isn't it? Have a lovely weekend.

  10. I often wonder why anyone would find my blog of interest unless they are descendants of my family. Maybe that's not the same kind of "wonder" you mean. HA!
    Wendy at Jollett Etc.

  11. Characters. Totally characters. When they do something unexpected or reveal a deeper piece of themselves I hadn't anticipated, I get goosebumps and cheer, and bounce, and generally freak out.

    True Heroes from A to Z

  12. It leave me in wonder when I read my MS (the one I have read and edited for a year) and I still get drawn into the story line and the emotions of the book. I start for a second to believe what others have said about it.

  13. I think just realizing I've written words that others have read. Whether that's for my freelance writing or fiction writing, it always amazes me that I might write something that will influence someone else.

  14. Reaching the end of a story always feels great and takes me by surprise. Sometimes it feels like I'll never get there so it's always a wow moment when I manage it.

    Moody Writing

  15. Usually, it is the satisfaction of writing an ending, of bringing a story full circle.

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  16. I feel so wonderful when I get a review which is so objective with both sides to a coin.

    Apart from that, yes when I sit down to actually start writing, I wonder at my pace which flows so well, maybe because I write more of non-fiction? My second book will sure tell.

  17. I always wonder how the ideas for stories pop into my head. Creativity is an amazing thing!

  18. Getting a new idea for a story or suddenly thinking of a new piece that will make a story better.
    And I was in awe of the Harry Potter world too! :)

  19. A sense of wonder? a dazzling sunset, a child's laugh, joy among friends.

  20. What filles me with wonder is waiting for the unknown. When I read I am always wondering what will happen next and what direction the author will be taking.

  21. When I wrote my novella, The Last Daughter, I was filled with wonder. I loved my characters and my storyline. I still do. I hope I can do it again some day... as soon as home renovation and daughter's wedding are over, I'll sit down and focus, focus, focus and write, write, write. :)
